Wednesday, March 3, 2010

"Oh How Romantical"

Chad and I smell TROUBLE.....with sweet Hallie Bear.  We caught her dancing and smooching the vacuum, she constantly points out hot guys and tells us they are "cute" (in her sweet lil high pitched voice),  tells us she's going to marry Cason, and now tells us to "tilt" our heads when we kiss.  The other night she grabbed Chad's head and said he had to tilt it when he kisses me.  The next morning as Chad was walking out the door we "tilted" our heads and gave the one second kiss and we hear Hallie say, "Oh how romantical." 
Chad is not finding this so cute anymore. Funny coming from a guy who never went through a "girls have cooties" stage.


Nate, Brittney and Ryan said...

My favorite is the guy on CSI... is that it? Where she says all shyly that he has a cute face. Or then there was the gay guy on SYTYCD... too funny. You really are in trouble. If I were you I would lock her up until she's 21.

The Edwards Family said...

super funny!!! Luckily we have taught are girls to put their foot inany guys face if they try to kiss them.

Jarom and Melissa said...

Uh oh, you're in trouble. If you have to watch out for her now, I don't know what her teenage years will bring. She's so adorable and funny.

Jaime said...

she is adorable! what a sweet little girl. She will make a great wife one day.

ab5cgang said...

LOL To cute!!! I love her.